Recommended Reading: WEF and Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Case Study on IBM AI Ethics

Author: Nicole McAlee

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The World Economic Forum and the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University have published an independent case study on IBM's approach to artificial intelligence (AI) ethics. The white paper, part of the WEF's Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) Responsible Use of Technology project, examines IBM's norms, tools, governance structures, and research efforts on the ethical design, development, and deployment of AI.


The report outlines several key takeaways and best practices for other organizations, including building governance structures to promote a culture of ethical development, defining principles for trust and transparency, creating open-source toolkits and resources for developers, and joining partnerships and consortiums to engage stakeholders, educational institutions, and other organizations on AI ethics issues.


When discussing partnerships, the report notes the founding of the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab in 2020 as a key moment in IBM's AI ethics journey and highlights the Lab's work on practical and applied solutions in the technology ethics space.

The report can be found on the WEF website.